10 January 2008

Booking Through Thursday: May I Introduce . . .

1. How did you come across your favorite author(s)? Recommended by a friend? Stumbled across at a bookstore? A book given to you as a gift?

2. Was it love at first sight? Or did the love affair evolve over a long acquaintance?

This is a challenging question to answer, since when it comes to events I have a mind like a sieve. I do remember that my mother gave me my first Nancy Drew for my eighth? ninth? birthday (see what I mean?), which event I blame for my ongoing mystery novel/tv crime show addiction. I think she introduced me to Agatha Christie and Jane Austen, too. I got hooked on Janet Evanovich after a recommendation from a classmate in high school and finally discovered Tolkien after seeing the first film adaptation. (I think Ben Elton was a recommendation too.) Beyond that I think most of my favourites have been stumbled across at the library, the Bookfest, or other people’s blogs. And for the most part, the affection was quick to develop.


Chrisbookarama said...

Nancy Drew is a classic! I have to read an Agatha Christie novel one of these days.

Thanks for the visit!

Anonymous said...

I also find a lot of great recommendations from other bloggers.

Anonymous said...

The world is a small place. I was about the same age when I get into Nancy Drew and I too love to read mystery novels. The book blog world has encouraged me to read a bigger variety of books.

Literary Feline said...

My favorites seem to have come from a variety of sources as well. My mom introduced me to Nancy Drew as well. My Grandmother was the one who turned me on the C.S. Lewis' the Chronicles of Narnia. And like you, it was after the first movie adaptation of Lord of the Rings when I decided I had to read the books.

Jeane said...

I seem to find most of my favorites by chance in the library, too.

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