26 June 2009

Booking Through Thursday: Unique Sorting

Browsing through my blog, I found a link to this post about the “Sorted Book Project.” Go read it. I’ll wait. The idea is to take a few books and physically sort them in such a way that the titles make some kind of sense … something that I’ve never quite gotten around to doing and photographing, but which fascinates me. What title/combinations can you come up with? (Bonus points if you actually assemble the books and photograph them, like in the original post.)

Yes, I know, it’s Friday, but I don’t have a camera and decided eleven at night was too late to be bothered getting out my laptop and fiddling around with its webcam. The image quality’s not great, but I wanted to put it in a picture. I thought it would take me ages to come up with anything, but in ten minutes I had this:

I can see a lot of potential in this!


Kris said...

LoL Yours is funny and clever. Absolutely loved this week's BTT.
Mine is here http://inthesound.us/bookheart/?p=302

StuckInABook said...

I love this one!

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Header image shows detail of A Young Girl Reading by Jean-Honoré Fragonard, c. 1776