16 April 2009

Booking Through Thursday: Windfall

Yesterday, April 15th, was Tax Day here in the U.S., which means lots of lucky people will get refunds of over-paid taxes.

Whether you’re one of them or not, what would you spend an unexpected windfall on? Say … $50? How about $500?

(And, this is a reading meme, so by rights the answer should be book-related, but hey, feel free to go wild and splurge on anything you like.)

With $50 (about $70AUD), I’d get some wool for a couple of knitting patterns I’d like to try then check out the sale tables at QBD (local bookstore chain).

But if I had $500 ($700-ish - woohoo!), the first place I’d go would be a shoe store. It’s halfway through autumn here and I’d love a pair of knee-high boots. I tried to buy some last winter, but failed as I have such hard-to-fit feet - slightly wide but so small I don’t always fit into adult sizes. With the remainder I’d do something nice for my mother, buy a new bookcase, hit the bookstore, and make a busker’s day.

Which books would I look for? Some classics, as you can get good, cheap editions for about $6; at least one comprehensive book about Victorian England by way of research for this year’s NaNoWriMo; and after that I have no idea!


Jess said...

Those are all such great ideas!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh... Knee-high boots :-) What color? please say black... please say black :-D I have the opposite problem, my feet are big and wide, and I usually have to buy men's shoes to fit right. I do have a pair of clunky black boots with belts and metal and laces... I love them, but they hurt the ball of my feet horribly bad. If I were going somewhere that I could be carried in, sit throughout, and carried back out, I'd soooo wear them :-D

Amat Libris said...

Jess: Thanks!

thekoolaidmom: Black! (Of course.) Carried in and out sounds great - then I could wear those high spindly heels I currently avoid. They look pretty, but they'd be useless if I had to run for a train!

gautami tripathy said...

Shoes, now thats the next thing I love after books!


let the windfall fall on my head

Melissa said...

I've always wanted to try knitting, but have never taken the time to learn.

Blodeuedd said...

Lol, don't even get me started on shoes, would love to buy some too :)

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